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Steve's Sunday Amaretti Almond Shortbread Biscuits

Steve's Sunday Amaretti Almond Shortbread Biscuits

My man loves to cook. Especially cookies.

Which is just as well, because we don't buy sweets or biscuits in our house - if we want them we have to make them ourselves from scratch.

These are "sometimes food", as Elmo from Sesame Street would say. To be enjoyed thoroughly and absolutely without guilt, but as an occasional treat rather than an everyday occurrence.

They are absolutely divine, fresh from the oven, and they keep really well too. Just pop them in a airtight jar.


300g almonds
5 tablespoons maple syrup
3 tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste or powder
10 drops almond essence (optional)
1 teaspoon aluminium-free baking powder
3-4 tablespoons water.


Pulverise almonds into a coarse almond meal in a food processor or Vitamix (dry jug). 300g almonds will make approximately 2 cups of coarse almond meal.
Place in a mixing bowl, add in all other ingredients and mix well.*
Place 1-tablespoon amounts on a lined baking tray. Make sure you space them apart as they will spread while they are baking!
Bake in a pre-heated oven (150 degrees Celsius) for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Serve fresh from the oven, or store in an airtight container for up to 3 weeks.


* this mixture tastes heavenly on its own BTW....