Collect Life's Small, Sweet Moments *FREE PRINTABLE*


Sometimes I think we walk around with blinkers on, oblivious to the tiny moments of beauty and joy around us. And I also think we let our life "happen" to us, instead of actively scheduling time with friends and loved ones, and wonderful experiences into our lives.

I truly believe that one of the best things we can do for our wellbeing is to make time for joy and to focus on the things we are grateful for!

We can't force ourselves into a joyful state, but we can gift ourselves with opportunities to experience moments of joy, connection, peace and meaning. 

One thing I have learned is that just by being a little more mindful in our daily lives, even the simplest, most mundane of moments can be doorways to a divine spark of joy - like walking down the street, noticing a rose in bloom and taking a moment to savour its scent and beauty. Or stopping to admire a crimson sunset.

We know that tough times will pass. But so too do the beautiful moments; happiness, joy, love. Way too fast, and sometimes we miss them altogether. They arise unnoticed while we peer into our smart phones or rush to a meeting or fret over bills. It's a very good thing to observe those too. Collect them like precious stones. Create a mental scrap book. In a different post I would share some salient research study or other to back this up. But not here, not today. Just trust me. And you really can trust me on this.

So my little “assignment” for you is to collect all the sweet, small, mundane, fleeting moments of joy, or grace, ordinary (and extraordinary) happiness. 

Reflect on them. 
In good times they awaken you to life's sweetness. 
In darker times I hope they remind you that life is beautiful and really, truly worth living. 

A Gratitude Journal is a wonderful place to record those small, fleeting moments of joy and beauty!


I have created a FREE PRINTABLE GRATITUDE LIST exclusively for mailing list members.


It's waiting for you in the Resources Library I created exclusively for my email list members!

If you would like to receive a copy (and get access to all of my other helpful free resources) just CLICK HERE to join my mailing list! In fact, ALL of the FREE PRINTABLES I have created for our Healthy Happy Wonderful tribe are waiting for you in the members section!

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