Collect Life's Small, Sweet Moments *FREE PRINTABLE*

Collect Life's Small, Sweet Moments *FREE PRINTABLE*

* FREE PRINTABLE WORKSHEET* Sometimes I think we walk around with blinkers on, oblivious to the tiny moments of beauty and joy around us. And I also think we let our life "happen" to us, instead of actively scheduling time with friends and loved ones, and wonderful experiences into our lives. So I have a little "assignment" for you...

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Create a Blue Day List *FREE PRINTABLE!*

Create a Blue Day List *FREE PRINTABLE!*

We all have blue days. Blah days. Should-have-stayed-in-bed days where we walk around under our own personal little dark cloud. Today I'm sharing one of my own personal tools that I use to help me to make sure that when the blah's strike I can take the reins and get back on my happy track.

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Do more of the good stuff (with good people)! *FREE PRINTABLE!*

Do more of the good stuff (with good people)! *FREE PRINTABLE!*

We spend so much time focussing on completing the tasks on our To-Do List, achieving our goals and meeting our many obligations that we forget one of the most important things in life: those things that make us happy and give meaning to our lives. I have a little assignment for you...

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