Healthy Happy Wonderful®

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Cherry Ripe Cherry Bombs

Cherry Ripe is one of those quintessentially Australian sweets. I love the flavours, but not the sugar. This recipe brings together all the cherry ripe flavours in a much healthier package! These are such a hit as an after-dinner treat and look beautiful on a festive feasting table.


Cherries, with stems intact
Dessicated or shredded coconut

Choc Cashew Dipping Sauce

1 1/4 cups cashews, soaked for 1 hour or overnight
Juice of 2 oranges
3 dates, de-seeded, soaked overnight and chopped OR 1-2 tablespoons maple syrup
3 tablespoons cacao powder


Place all Dipping Sauce ingredients into a Vitamix or other high speed blender.
Blend until smooth and place into a bowl.

Dip each cherry into Dipping Sauce and then coat with coconut.

Place on a platter and refrigerate until ready to serve.
