Know Your Nutrient Needs


Nutrients are substances that provide the nourishment to our bodies that we need to live and grow and repair. We need the right nutrients in the right amounts for optimal health. I wrote about the different nutrients our bodies need HERE.

But how can we find out how much of each nutrients we need for optimal health?

Australian Nutrient Recommendations

The Nutrient Reference Values (NRV’s) are a set of recommendations compiled by the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for nutritional intake based on currently available scientific knowledge. They are intended for medical, scientific and nutritionists to use in their clinical and public health work.

I personally think that everyone should be aware of this information and have access to it. I recommend you check out the NRV website and take a surf around. Click on each nutrient to learn about how much you need, and how much is too much.

In addition to the Nutrient Reference Values, the NHMRC has also set out a number Suggested Dietary Targets (SDT’s). These are recommendations to help Australians reduce chronic disease risk. It’s important information that most Australians aren’t aware of. So check it out. Is there anything in there that surprises you?

American Nutrient recommendations

The American Institute of Medicine (IOM) has produced its own set or nutrient recommendations. They are called Dietary Reference Intakes. They can be found HERE and HERE.

Nutrient Requirements Calculators

Rather than trawl through the above websites to find intake recommendations for each nutrient, you can use these helpful calculators:

This one is based on the Australian Nutrient Reference Values

This one is based on the American Dietary Reference Intakes

So now you know your individual nutrient needs!

But remember: you don’t eat “nutrients”. You eat FOODS!

So once you have taken a surf around the Australian NRV’s and the American DRI’s to get a clear picture of your nutrient needs (and not forgetting the SDT’s to help you reduce your risk of chronic disease!), the next step is to gain an understanding of the nutrient content of the foods you like to eat!

To calculate the nutrient content of the foods you eat, try these calculators:

And try this amazing tool by Verywellfit that calculates the nutrient content of any recipes you make: