Healthy Happy Wonderful®

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Simple Gluten-Free Cornbread

Simple Gluten-Free Cornbread

I first tried this dish when I was preparing a cornbread stuffing for a Healthy Thanksgiving lunch we were hosting for American friends. It was so delicious we almost didn't have enough left over for the cornbread stuffing! Since then, this simple cornbread has been a regular feature in our home. I love whipping up a quick batch as an occasional treat. Heaven is warm cornbread!


2 cups polenta
350 g greek yogurt
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
50g butter
2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon salt


Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well
Line a loaf pan or cake tin with baking paper
Pour cornbread mix into loaf pan
Bake in pre-heated oven (180 degrees) for 25 minutes, or until cornbread is cooked through (Place a skewer or knife into the centre of the loaf. It is cooked through when skewer/knife comes out clean).
Allow to cool.

Serve and enjoy!