Healthy Happy Wonderful®

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Do New Year's Resolutions Work?

I love the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve. I find it's a wonderful opportunity to slow down, reflect, process, dream and plan.

Right now I'm reflecting on a HUGE year. It's hard to believe so much could be squeezed into 365 days...

2018, it's been real and it will soon be time to bid you a fond farewell.

I have just written out a BIG list of everything I achieved in 2018, everything I have learned, and what I can do better next time 'round. I've savoured the sweet moments, reflected on my successes, released the tough stuff and realised with gratitude that I have so, so, SO much to be grateful for!

And right now I'm deep in planning mode, dreaming up an amazing 2019.

I'm wary about using the "R word" (Resolutions) as so many out there in the blogosphere have disavowed them. But I can't help it!

I LOVE dreaming and planning, and whilst my year never seems to pan out exactly as I envisage, my goals for the year (or resolutions if you will!) have served to keep me on track, guide me through tough decisions and motivate me through my slumps.

So I actually like New Years Resolutions. And it seems that the research is on my side!

Whilst we know that most people fail at their goals, there really does seem to be a certain magic associated New Years Resolutions.

So, if you have some time to spare over the next few days (or weeks), watch these helpful videos, and join me in dreaming up some awesome goals for 2019! 

First watch this...

Then this...

Then this...

And make sure you come back and visit every week or JOIN MY MAILING LIST!!, as I will be sharing some of my top tips (the ones I usually save for my paying clients!) to help you set effective goals, and to stay on track!