Welcome to NO-vember!


2019, like every year before and after it, has 8,760 hours in it (give or take 24 hours for those pesky leap years!). These are hours we can devote to a million different things. Things that waste time and keep us stuck. Or steps on our path to an amazing life filled with energy and adventure...

When it comes to our lives we have two choices: use your time to consciously create our life and spend our time in ways that energises you and bring you joy, or try to fit your life in between all of the situations, commitments and people who demand our time and drain our energy.

If your life is filled up with unnecessary commitments, people-pleasing, bad habits and toxic friendships, it doesn't leave much space for making memories with your loved ones, trying new things, meeting new people, learning new skills and chasing your dreams right?

So I’m declaring the month of November to be NO-vember!

Want to join me?

For the month of November and for the remainder of 2019, let's say a polite but very firm NO! to all of the people, situations and habits that drain us physically and mentally, and divert our energy from the things that are truly important to us; things like quality time with the people we love, self-care and pursuing our goals and dreams.

Let’s take a clear-eyed, unflinching look at all of the unhelpful, unproductive and unnecessary situations, habits and people that are absorbing our time, energy and emotional bandwidth.

The most important part of this exercise is identifying the time-wasters, drains and stressors that are unnecessary and have no meaningful place in our lives. These are the things that divert, delay or downright stop us from expanding our lives in joyous ways, and can delay or even stop us from reaching our dreams.

Block out some time and ask yourself:

What am I doing that's unnecessary, wasting my time, no longer bringing me joy, or purpose?

What (and who) is draining my energy? What/who is causing me stress?

Ask these questions for all facets of your life: work, family, relationships, your neighbourhood - everything.

Once we have identified these life-drainers, it’s time to commit to reducing, controlling or eliminating them. In short, it’s time to say NO!

Time and energy are our most valuable resources. By clearing out the small number of situations, personal habits and people that drain your energy and stand in the way of your goals, you will free up emotional bandwidth and physical energy for self care, quality time with loved ones and pursuing your goals and dreams.

More time for yourself, your own thoughts and goals, your loved ones, clearing space and giving you the time and energy to devote to interests, activities and friendships that you put aside because you have been too busy, too exhausted and too distracted to make time for.

I’m not proposing a blanket, across-the-board NO to everyone and everything. Lots of the things that absorb our time and energy are necessary, and help us learn and grow. What I'm encouraging you to eliminate is the stuff that really doesn't serve you on any level. Stuff like constant mindless internet surfing, that habitual glass of wine (or two) with dinner, discussing the negatives and finding fault instead of looking for opportunities and moments of joy, sitting on the cough instead of a walk or bike ride.

And it's not just situations that drain us. Sometimes certain people in our lives can absorb too much time, cause too much stress and drain too much energy. Connection, understanding, acceptance, support, honesty and trust are hallmarks of healthy friendships. But unhealthy friendships with people who are overly needy or narcissistic can leave us feeling drained, discouraged and demoralised. So check in with yourself after you spend time with your friends (whether in person, on the phone or over social media). How are you feeling? Are you energised, excited, happy, content, inspired? Or drained, exhausted, irritated, upset, hurt or confused. Consider this your permission slip to step back from friendships that drain or hurt you.

Need a little help with this? GET YOUR FREE PRINTABLES!

There is a FREE Energy Audit Worksheet and a FREE Not-To-Do List waiting for you in the Members Resource Library I created for my email list members.

The Energy Audit Worksheet can help you identify the time-wasters, drains and stressors that are unnecessary and have no meaningful place in our lives. And then help us commit to reducing, controlling or eliminating them.

A Not to Do List can help you to prevent the unnecessary or destructive stuff from creeping back into your life. It’s an effective tool to help you identify all of the big and little things in our lives that are draining your time or energy, and generally standing between you and your goals.

If you would like to receive a copy (and get access to all of my other helpful free resources) just CLICK HERE to join my mailing list! In fact, ALL of the FREE PRINTABLES I have created for our Healthy Happy Wonderful tribe are waiting for you in the members section!

If you are already a mailing list member, just CLICK HERE or go to the Members tab in the navigation bar above and enter the password I send through with each weekly newsletter.